Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Five Essential Steps for Success After College

Success after college is elusive. It isn't impossible to catch, but there's often more factors preventing success than there are encouraging it. The fact of the matter is that personal preference and crucial decisions are often the great decider of anyone's achievements. With that said, there are a few key tips that can help any student or recent graduate in their quest for a better life.

Be Smart With Money

Some of the worst mistakes that anyone makes, graduate or not, are their financial decisions. Being smart with money is a simple as shopping around, cutting unnecessary expenses, finding or creating additional streams of income and making high-value investments. Those that can't manage their money will need to look into services for credit repair, cheap neighborhoods, homeless shelters or government assistance.

Get Organized

Organization is an easy way to optimize the use of resources. Most people see organization as an act of neatness or cleanliness, but those aren't its only benefits. Being organized saves time, creates consistency, reduces the chances of being distracted and eliminates the time spent looking for the car keys or that other flip-flop.

Find Ultimate Career Leverage

What's the best way to spend time towards furthering a career? While the answer varies from field to field, the question remains the same. Making the decision to further a career is a lifelong commitment, but spending time in the right ways will make the process far easier. Sometimes attending a seminar will be an amazing decision, but reading a book might be a more valuable decision under different circumstances. It's all about the strongest leverage at that very moment.

Fix Old Habits

One of the most challenging problems that recent graduates face are the poor habits that they've developed in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Many of these habits will stand in opposition of success, and it might be impossible to achieve without expunging old, leftover behaviors. Sometimes habits like laziness and talkativeness can be beneficial, but for the most part, these habits must be diminished for the sake of success. Everyone has their own bad habits that they need to correct, so be thoughtful and diligent with this endeavor.

Self-Investment is the Best Investment

The last tip for creating lasting success after college is to strive for personal excellence. Reading books, staying healthy, seeking out mentors and greater opportunity is a lifelong journey towards new and unimaginable successes. Education does not end when there is no more mandatory schooling. It merely continues into free, unstructured and boundless options for an individual's growth.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Four Facts About Credit Cards You Need To Know

Credit cards can be a great tool. They can be used to earn trips. They can be used to avoid carrying large sums of cash. They can also be a major problem for people who do not use them properly. Getting a credit card is an important step, and there are some things the applicants need to know before sending in an application.

1. Credit Cards Can Cost Money

Many credit cards cost money to carry. Annual fees on common credit cards can range anywhere between $30 and $500 depending upon the card. Those with higher annual fees usually come with greater perks, but it is important to weigh whether the annual fee is worth the expense. There are credit cards that do not charge annual fees, and those who are not interested in rewards might rather opt for these cards.

2. Interest Costs Money

Credit cards can be convenient, and this convenience can lead people to spend more than they need to spend. Those who are unable to pay off their balance each month can get into trouble spending more than the actual cost of an item due to interest charges. Most credit cards charge between 10 and 20 percent per year on outstanding balances. This amount can add up for those who have made large charges over a period of months or years.

3. Credit Cards Can Pay Rewards

Holding some cards and paying off the balance each month can actually benefit some cardholders. Many cards will offer cash back. Getting one percent back by using a card on purchases that would be made anyway is smart. Other cards will offer travel rewards like hotel points or frequent flyer miles. These can be used for flights or rooms on future vacations. Of course, paying interest for failing to pay off the balance cuts into the benefit of these cards immensely.

4. Credit Cards Can Hurt Credit

Those who are unable to make the monthly payment on their cards can see their credit hurt immensely. Some people can get so deep into debt that it looks as though they might never escape. Those who find themselves in such dire straights might want to look to honest credit restoration companies that offer services like the credit repair by Lexington Law.

Credit cards can be a great opportunity, but this opportunity can also come with great responsibility. Those who are responsible can earn great rewards. Those who spend too much can get into serious financial trouble. Therefore, it is good to weigh the options when it comes to getting a credit card.

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