Mortgages are an excellent way to allow people to buy property using a loan and then repay the loan over the lifespan of their working lifetime. This means that they are essentially using their future income to buy property in the immediate.
Taking out a 30 year mortgage in your twenties does not mean that you are not able to pay it off sooner if your financial situation changes and you are able to do so. Some financial advisers would argue that it is better to forego paying off your mortgage early as it has relatively low interest rates and instead a wiser financial move is to invest the money either in building up a property portfolio or investing in the stock market which can bring much higher rates of return. However there is something to be said for the peace of mind associated with owning your own home outright. It means that if your financial situation should change for the worse again at least you will have a roof over your head and those of your family. Property ownership does bring security. Therefore if you are able to pay off your mortgage sooner it may be the best decision you make. Here are ten ways you can realize your dream of being mortgage-free.
Make prepayments - Making extra payments is a good way to chip away at your mortgage over time and can shave a number of years off your mortgage lifespan.
Make money from your property – Taking in a lodger or using part of your home as a guest house during summer months may be one way to actually bring in an income on your property which can then be used to make additional payments on your mortgage.
Reduce your expenses – One way to increase the amounts you are able to repay on your mortgage is to reduce other outgoings thereby freeing up more money for your mortgage repayments. Often the best way to reduce outgoings is to sit down and make a note of fixed expenses and variable expenses. That way you can work out a budget for non-fixed costs such as socializing. It is the non-fixed cost areas that you may be able to make savings.
Pay as Much as You can When you can - It stands to reason than if you always use surplus money to pay extra amounts of your mortgage you will be able to pay it off sooner. Also if they are surplus amounts they will not affect your other monthly outgoings and using them to pay off your mortgage will not cause financial hardship.
Invest – Investing does not have to be an option that is instead of paying off your mortgage early it can actually work alongside it. Many companies offer annual dividends to shareholders. Why not invest in some shares and always use the dividend cheques to pay extra lump sums off your overall mortgage amount.
Discuss with family members – If you have family members that may be able to help you with paying off your mortgage at a lower rate of interest it is always worthwhile discussing this option. Remember though that any agreements made between family members should be clearly documented to avoid potential family disputes down the track.
Downsizing – This may be one way of paying off your mortgage early. If your house has increased in value since its purchase you may be able to sell it and buy a smaller cheaper property. This would allow you to pay off the outstanding mortgage and relax in the knowledge that whilst your home may be smaller it is entirely yours.
Refinancing – As your financial situation changes you may consider refinancing your mortgage as a way of shortening its lifespan and paying it off early. It is worthwhile talking to your mortgage provider and doing some research of other mortgage providers to see if there is a more satisfactory package available.
Make a Mortgage Plan – All of these suggestions on how to pay off your mortgage early require some forward planning. Sit down and work out how you can reduce the overall lifespan of your mortgage in advance. Work out areas where you could shave off some expenses and areas where you could make some more income. Having a mortgage plan is much more likely to lead to you paying off your mortgage early than just sitting thinking about it.
Win the Lottery – If all else fails there is always the hope that you can win the lottery, pay off all of your mortgage early and buy a holiday home overseas. But remember you got to be in it to win it. If you don’t buy a lottery ticket it will never happen.