Monday, July 15, 2013

Things You Need To Take Care Of After A Loved One Passes

There are no words that can accurately describe the pain and sadness that comes from dealing with the death of a loved one. As anyone who has had to deal with this experience can tell you, failing to plan ahead can take a sad situation and turn it into something that is even more painful.

Discussing end-of-life plans with your family members can be extremely difficult. No one wants to think about the death of the people they love or about their own death. However, having this difficult discussion now can make the immediate aftermath of the death of a person you love more tranquil and less turbulent. This is especially the case when we are talking about dealing with a loved one who is terminally ill. Once you have this challenging discussion and once end-of-life arrangements have been made, the rest of the time can be spent focusing on caring for the terminally ill individual.

Things to Take Care of Immediately after a Loved one’s Death

The first thing that you will need to take care of is getting the deceased individual legally pronounced dead. If there is a doctor that is present at the time of death, he or she can do this. If not, another professional must be contacted. In the case of individuals who are under hospice care, a hospice nurse can declare the individual legally dead and also arrange transportation of the body. If the individual dies at home and they are not under hospice care, then you will need to dial 911. Having a do not resuscitate document prepared will allow the paramedics to simply take the deceased individual to a doctor and have the individual declared dead.

Additionally, arrangements should be made for transportation of the body. The mortuary or crematorium that you choose to prepare the body for burial is required by law to provide you with an exact price over the phone. From there, the deceased individual’s doctor should be contacted. Arrangements should be made to contact friends and family. Many times, it is beneficial to delegate this responsibility to another responsible and caring individual.

Take steps to look after any dependents that the deceased individual has. This would include taking steps to look after pets that might be in the home. Also, contact the deceased individual’s employer. Ask about any death benefits that the individual might have had. Also, make arrangements to collect any pay that is due the individual.

Steps to Take within the First Few Days after the Death of a Loved One

Make plans to arrange for the burial or cremation of the deceased loved one. This would include preparing an obituary. Arrange for individuals to care for the deceased individual’s home, get their mail, and answer any phone calls that they might have.

After the funeral, the focus will have to change to legal matters associated with your loved one’s death. This would include collecting financial documents, death certificates, and any insurance documents. It is a good idea to hire a probate lawyer so that they can review any wills or estate plans that were made.

If it is clear that your loved one died because of the negligence of another individual or because of malpractice on the part of a doctor, this would also be a good time to contact a Wrongful Death Lawyer Louisville. These lawyers will kindly work with you and help you make sure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Their assistance can be invaluable when dealing with the wrongful death of a loved one.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Five Tips For Saving Money While Dealing With Legal Fees

Dealing with legal problems can be stressful in a lot of different ways, but many people who need to hire a San Diego lawyer, Bradley Corbett realize that they need to save money in order to pay their legal fees. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to save the money necessary to pay for a great North County DUI lawyer. These are five of the best.

1. Sell or rent out your car.

Your car probably costs you several hundred dollars a month between your car payment and gas. By selling it, you'll get rid of the expense and have extra money leftover. If you can't use public transportation or get rides from friends for a little while, consider using an online car service to rent your car when you're not using it.

2. Cut out your cable, cell phone, and other bills for stuff you don't really need.

You can still watch your favorite shows over your internet connection, and when you decide to turn the cable back on in a few months, you may qualify for lower, “new customer” rates. Swap out your cell phone for a pre-paid plan. You'll just pay for the time you use, and you'll save a lot of money.

3. Cut back on your utility bills.

There are plenty of ways to cut back on energy use. People adjust their thermostat, turn off lights, and even hang their clothes to dry instead of using the dryer. If your water bill is high, cut back on watering your lawn and take shorter showers. These are small changes, but they can save you hundreds of dollars a month.

4. Refinance your debt.

If you have high interest debt such as credit cards and payday loans, look into ways to pay it off with a lower interest loan. Depending on your credit score and the amount of debt you have, you may only be able to refinance a small part of it, but every little bit will help.

5. Get an extra job or start a small business.

Even if you work full-time, it might make sense to look for a job that allows you to pick up an extra shift or two late at night or on the weekends. If that doesn't fit with your schedule, think about work you can do from home such as babysitting or offering up your skills as part of a handyman service.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Five Essential Steps for Success After College

Success after college is elusive. It isn't impossible to catch, but there's often more factors preventing success than there are encouraging it. The fact of the matter is that personal preference and crucial decisions are often the great decider of anyone's achievements. With that said, there are a few key tips that can help any student or recent graduate in their quest for a better life.

Be Smart With Money

Some of the worst mistakes that anyone makes, graduate or not, are their financial decisions. Being smart with money is a simple as shopping around, cutting unnecessary expenses, finding or creating additional streams of income and making high-value investments. Those that can't manage their money will need to look into services for credit repair, cheap neighborhoods, homeless shelters or government assistance.

Get Organized

Organization is an easy way to optimize the use of resources. Most people see organization as an act of neatness or cleanliness, but those aren't its only benefits. Being organized saves time, creates consistency, reduces the chances of being distracted and eliminates the time spent looking for the car keys or that other flip-flop.

Find Ultimate Career Leverage

What's the best way to spend time towards furthering a career? While the answer varies from field to field, the question remains the same. Making the decision to further a career is a lifelong commitment, but spending time in the right ways will make the process far easier. Sometimes attending a seminar will be an amazing decision, but reading a book might be a more valuable decision under different circumstances. It's all about the strongest leverage at that very moment.

Fix Old Habits

One of the most challenging problems that recent graduates face are the poor habits that they've developed in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Many of these habits will stand in opposition of success, and it might be impossible to achieve without expunging old, leftover behaviors. Sometimes habits like laziness and talkativeness can be beneficial, but for the most part, these habits must be diminished for the sake of success. Everyone has their own bad habits that they need to correct, so be thoughtful and diligent with this endeavor.

Self-Investment is the Best Investment

The last tip for creating lasting success after college is to strive for personal excellence. Reading books, staying healthy, seeking out mentors and greater opportunity is a lifelong journey towards new and unimaginable successes. Education does not end when there is no more mandatory schooling. It merely continues into free, unstructured and boundless options for an individual's growth.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Four Facts About Credit Cards You Need To Know

Credit cards can be a great tool. They can be used to earn trips. They can be used to avoid carrying large sums of cash. They can also be a major problem for people who do not use them properly. Getting a credit card is an important step, and there are some things the applicants need to know before sending in an application.

1. Credit Cards Can Cost Money

Many credit cards cost money to carry. Annual fees on common credit cards can range anywhere between $30 and $500 depending upon the card. Those with higher annual fees usually come with greater perks, but it is important to weigh whether the annual fee is worth the expense. There are credit cards that do not charge annual fees, and those who are not interested in rewards might rather opt for these cards.

2. Interest Costs Money

Credit cards can be convenient, and this convenience can lead people to spend more than they need to spend. Those who are unable to pay off their balance each month can get into trouble spending more than the actual cost of an item due to interest charges. Most credit cards charge between 10 and 20 percent per year on outstanding balances. This amount can add up for those who have made large charges over a period of months or years.

3. Credit Cards Can Pay Rewards

Holding some cards and paying off the balance each month can actually benefit some cardholders. Many cards will offer cash back. Getting one percent back by using a card on purchases that would be made anyway is smart. Other cards will offer travel rewards like hotel points or frequent flyer miles. These can be used for flights or rooms on future vacations. Of course, paying interest for failing to pay off the balance cuts into the benefit of these cards immensely.

4. Credit Cards Can Hurt Credit

Those who are unable to make the monthly payment on their cards can see their credit hurt immensely. Some people can get so deep into debt that it looks as though they might never escape. Those who find themselves in such dire straights might want to look to honest credit restoration companies that offer services like the credit repair by Lexington Law.

Credit cards can be a great opportunity, but this opportunity can also come with great responsibility. Those who are responsible can earn great rewards. Those who spend too much can get into serious financial trouble. Therefore, it is good to weigh the options when it comes to getting a credit card.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Four Tips For a Successful Retirement Plan

Life expectancies have steadily risen over the past century. An American adult can today expect to live to be around 80 years of age, if not older. Most people will not be able to work to such an advanced age. Therefore, some sort of planning for retirement is necessary. Here are four tips to get started on saving that should result in a successful retirement. Federal employees would have some peace of mind because of FERS disability retirement options. Others will not have this benefit.

Start Early
Many young adults start out with little in the way of forward thinking. Partying and enjoying life in the present are of more concern than what might happen 50 or 60 years down the road. The best way to accumulate a sizable amount of money is by starting early in life. The power of compound interest will make a dollar saved at age 20 worth much more than a dollar saved at age 50 when it comes time to retire.
Save Often
Saving on a regular basis is also important. Those who save a little bit each paycheck will be able to take advantage of dollar cost averaging if they are investing in mutual funds. This strategy buys more shares in a down market so that the returns are higher over the long run. Even those who have a simple annuity will not miss the money as much if they save on a regular basis and do not see the money in the first place.
Max out the Employer Match
Many employers will offer a match on employee contributions to a qualified retirement account like a 401k. Those who have this option should take advantage of it. If the match is 50 percent, the rate of return on investment is automatically 50 percent. Those who have employers who match dollar for dollar will double their money immediately.
Avoid the Temptation of Taking Money out
Some people might be tempted to take out money for a new car or a larger house. Of course, it is possible that retirement funds might be necessary for food in the case of a job loss. However, taking money out before retirement should be the last option considered. A new car now is not going to be worth the hassle of eating cat food during retirement. Delayed gratification should be the goal.

Saving for retirement can seem daunting. Many young people have no idea of where to start. These easy tips can help young workers who want to save for a prosperous and relatively carefree retirement.

Friday, March 15, 2013

How to Protect Your Finances While You are on Vacation

Your vacation is a time for fun, excitement and relaxation. The last thing you want to have to deal with is an attack on your finances. The unfortunate reality is that thieves never go on vacation. While people take great pains to not lose their cash while on vacation, few take the necessary steps to protect their credit. By following a few steps, you can assure that your credit is safe while you are away.

Talk to Your Bank

If you are going to travel outside of the country, let your bank know in advance. Some banks will shut down your account if they see fraudulent activity on your account. Your routine purchases at souvenir shops may raise red flags with your bank and cause them to freeze your account for your protection. This can be crippling if you are left in a foreign country with no access to your funds. In addition, this can cause any checks you have written to bounce. Call your bank in advance and let them know that you will be traveling.

Leave Copies of Your Financial Information With a Friend

Make copies of your passport, identification and creditcards and leave them with a trusted friend or family member who is not traveling with you. If you lose your wallet or purse, you can easily have access to these numbers and cancel all of your credit cards quickly.

Beware of Scams

A common scam that thieves play on unsuspecting tourists is the "broken ATM" scam. Criminals will rig a freestanding ATM to capture your card when you go to use the machine. While you are trying to retrieve it, the thief will approach you and offer to help. They will dial the bank on your behalf and hand you their phone. Their accomplice, posing as a bank agent, will instruct you to enter your PIN slowly several times into the machine. The thief will look over your shoulder and watch you entering your PIN. The "agent" will then instruct you to leave, stating that a representative will bring your card to your hotel. When you leave, the thieves will use your card and wipe out your entire account.

Many export risk management exports report that overseas fraud costs businesses huge profit losses every year. While these scams hurt businesses, they can be devastating to consumers.

Having your credit damaged while you are on vacation can be devastating. By being aware of your surroundings, planning ahead and being vigilant against scams, you can protect your credit while you are on vacation.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How To Always Save Money Online

When money is tight, it is important to have guaranteed ways to make sure that your dollar is going as far as possible. The good news is that shopping online is a great way to lower your bills on everything from video games to clothes. How can you ensure that you will always save money when shopping online?

Shop On Sites That Offer New, Used And Refurbished Products

Consumers need to have as many options as possible when saving money is a top priority. Therefore, it is important to only shop at sites that offer used and refurbished products as well as new products. This is because used and refurbished products are offered at significant discounts without necessarily diminishing the quality of the product being purchased. However, you still want the option to buy new because having a warranty protects in case your computer breaks or your cell phone suffers a cracked screen.

Sign Up For A Rewards Program

Many online retailers will offer a rewards system for customers who spend a certain amount of money on a purchase or buy a certain type of product. For example, your favorite online site may offer you a $5 discount when you purchase $50 or when you buy a new iPad.

Take Advantage Of Online Coupons

Major retailers will often offer coupons to entice customers to purchase their goods online instead of in the stores. In some cases, you may be able to save as much as 25 percent on all of your purchases. In other cases, you may be able to get free shipping on orders over a certain amount.

Compare Prices On Each Item You Want To Buy

The easiest way to save money whenever you are shopping is to do comparison shopping. Take some time to look at three or four different websites to make sure that you are getting the best deal. Although your favorite pair of jeans may cost $50 at each site your visit, discounts or free shipping offers can make it cheaper to fulfill your order on one site versus another site.

Saving money online is easy if you know what you are looking for. Make sure that you can purchased used or refurbished items if you want, look for discounts and remember to comparison shop. By doing these things, you will never spend too much or have to pay retail price for the things that you buy online each day.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Three Awesome Ways to Improve Your Home's Value

Improving your home allows you to add to its value while making it more secure and comfortable for your family. From installing a state of the home automation system to choosing Eco-friendly appliances, upgrades can really pay off if you ever decide to sell. These three ideas can really make a difference in the future buying price of your property.

Pay Attention To The Exterior

Details such as landscaping your property, adding lighted walkways, and using high quality siding are very important. The first thing that people notice is the exterior of the home, including the lawns and gardens. Regular lawn maintenance and the addition of a few ornamental shrubs really add to the aesthetic appeal of any home. Don't forget to perform regular maintenance on the siding, as well. Use a pressure sprayer to clean vinyl siding and replace any damaged siding annually to keep your home looking great and to protect the underlying structure from damage.

Go Green

Modern homes emphasize environmentally friendly appliances and materials. If you choose one big project to increase the value of your home, consider making the home more energy efficient by installing Energy Star appliances, windows, or a new heating and cooling system that meets Energy Star guidelines. Energy efficient homes are more valuable because they can save significant amounts on heating and cooling costs every year.
Energy efficient appliances and windows are an investment that will continue to save on utility costs for many years. If you aren't sure where to start, an energy audit can help you find where the most energy is being used in your home.

Stay Secure

Installing a state of the art home automation system is a simple way to add to the value of your home. Automation increases the efficiency, security and comfort of your home by allowing you to control electrical devices from a computer or mobile device. For instance, you can adjust the thermostat setting on your heating on your way home from work. The system will also allow you to control your home security system while you are away. Not only is home automation convenient, it also raises the value of your property. Choosing a high quality system is best because you can be sure the system will work flawlessly for many years to come.
Getting started on making your home more valuable is easy when you consider which options will make your home and property more functional and comfortable for your family. The value of your home raises with every home improvement you make, but these three ideas are amongst the best for improving efficiency and value.

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