If you have incurred mutiple unpaid bills and want to find a way to get out of this tight financial situation, you can opt to take bill consolidation loans. Taking a consolidated loan will help you to consolidate all your outstanding unpaid bills and repay them steadily and according to your affordability. This also helps you to avoid the headache of making mutiple payments.
Different ways to consolidate your debts
You can opt for bill consolidation loans in many ways. You can enrol yourslef in a debt relief company, who will analyze your financial situation and offer you proffesional advice on how to save more money. They will also show you various techniques to consolidate your unpaid bills, and help you to choose the best according to your suitability.
Debt consolidation loans and other plans come with many types of affordable terms and conditions. Some of the ways to consolidate your bills are:
1) Home equity loans: You can opt for a home equity loan to consolidate your unpaid bills, if you have accumulated a lot of equity on your home. You will get lower inetrest rate with this loan. This is basically a secured loan, where you house will be kept as collateral. In case you fail to repay the loan, your house will be taken away by the creditors. You will have some tax benefit on the monthly repayment amount.
2) Unsecured personal loan: You can obtain an unsecured personal loan from a bank or a credit union to pay off your unpaid bills. The advantage of this type of loan is that you don’t have to provide any security. However, the interest rate for this type of loan is a bit higher.
3) Balance transfer credit card: If you have problem getting approved for a consolidation loan, you can consider this option. You can go for a 0% or a very low interest balance transfer credit card and shift the balances of your high-interest credit cards to the card having 0% interest, so that you can pay it off comfortably.
Benefits of bill consolidation
Some of the advantages of bill consolidation are :
You need to make a single payment each month
You will have reduced monthly payments
The interest rates will be according to your affordability
There will not be any more harassing calls from creditors or collection agency
Your credit score will improve once you start making payments
Your over limit charges and late penalties will get waived off
You can opt to take bill consolidation loans, so that you can be a debt free man and have a secured financial future.