This content will help you explore the details on how a driver becomes a high risk driver and how the auto insurance company determines weather he will be a low risk driver or a high driver. There are two main points on which the Auto insurance company decides weather to label the auto driver to be a risky or non risky auto driver. These points are the number of accidents that the auto drivers have committed till now. The insurance rates depend upon the number of times the auto driver has meet an accident. For example if the auto driver has committed one accident then his rates of auto insurance will be less then the person who has committed accident more than once. Different Auto insurance companies have different terms and conditions. The auto drivers can go through an online search for knowing the different terms and conditions of different auto insurance companies. There is certain limitation of age beyond which or before which the drivers are considered as high risk drivers. Depending upon the previous history of an auto driver, Auto insurance is provided to him. There are mainly three types of auto insurance high risk:
SR22 insurance
Assigned risk insurance
Bad credit auto insurance
The first insurance or the SR22 insurance is for those who have a problem regarding the driver’s license sanction or agreement. The second insurance for the high risky driver is the assigned risk insurance. When no other insurance company of the state is approving one’s auto insurance high risk then the state have to approve with the assigned risk insurance for the driver. Next is the bad credit auto insurance. In this type of auto insurance high risk the insurance company refuses auto insurance approval for those drivers who have a bad credit history.
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